Released in 2015, this compilation rounds up various tracks produced by and for Wiffen but never previously released. Most of the songs date from his 1970s heyday, and after hearing them one wonders why they were never released in the first place! Contains 17 wonderful tracks, including covers of the Rolling Stone's "No Expectations" and Lynn Miles "Crazy Me".
1. California Song
2. Ballad of Jacob Marlowe
3. Cool Green River
4. Your Room
5. Sweet Angel Take Me Home
6. Fugitive
7. Crazy Me
8. Fire on the Water
9. Come Down to the River
10. Ballad of the Inland Sailors
11. Any Other Rainy Day
12. No Desire For Texas
13. Bought and Paid-for Soul
14. No Expectations
15. Let Your Love Light Shine
16. Harlequin
17. Rocking Chair World
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